Formula - 4 (very good)
Clump Factor - 3 (average)
Lengthening - 2 (not very good)
Separation - 5 (excellent)
Flaking - 3 (average)
This mascara is different because it is all natural and pigmented with fruit (instead of ink or coal like most other mascaras). The black mascara (which I tried) was pigmented with black tea, and even though it doesn't matter at all, it smelled good. It allowed for some serious separation, and no clumping, and because the formula is thin it has a long lifespan before any clumping will occur. But because of that "thin" formula it also has no lengthening benefits. It also has no healing or protecting or growth benefits or properties. The reason I am saying that is because while most mascaras don't have any of these benefits, this is all natural, which a lot of people equate to "better for me". But this mascara isn't any better for you than one you find at the drugstore.
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